Are you ready for the interview? Have a read to find out..
You only have a short amount of time to really sell yourself, skills and experience – make it count! Preparation is key when attending any interview. Below we list some key check points everyone should do before any interview.
PREPARE! Make sure you have thoroughly researched the company, their clients, services, products, values. Look at their website, relevant industry publications, social media and the job specification.
Write down 5 questions before the interview. Hopefully the interviewer will answer most, but good to have a selection to hand. Show an interest in the company’s future, the progression within the role and opportunity.
Are your questions professional and relevant to the company or role? Your potential employer doesn’t want to think you are only interested in the social events and flexible working hours.
Know your CV! Sounds silly as it is your career on paper. However, questions like “give me an example of…” means you can confidently refer to achievements in previous roles. You don’t want to be sitting there thinking of an answer for 5 minutes or wish you had said something else afterwards
Do you know the name of the person you are meeting with and their job title? There is nothing worse than arriving and not knowing the person you are meeting with. Doesn’t make for a great start or first impression
Do you know where the interview will be held? Ensure you allow plenty of time to arrive at the location. It is better to be an hour early and have to wait, than be 10 minutes late and be in a panic.
Thoroughly read through the job specification. Make notes. Highlight areas of your experience in relation to specific points. Note any points you require additional information on.
Lastly, relax. An interview is a two-way street and as much for you as it is for your potential employer. This is a great opportunity to really showcase what you can do!
GOOD LUCK. If you would like advice or support on attending an interview, give the team at
Curteis Webb a call on 01892 263359